I'm a UX/UI designer living and working in Paris. Originally from California where I began my career as an illustrator, painter, teacher and a freelance designer. My experience working as a freelance designer, for print and web, from production to creation, has shaped my polyvalent ability. A recently acquired certificate from IRONHACK has confirmed my interest in design thinking, using research and data for totally awesome experiences.

I respond to user needs, expectations and possible biases, to create a better solution or a product. My User Interface skills ensure a cohesive alignment with the User Experience design. From sketches to prototypes and from testing to analysis. I can be involved at every step to ensure positive outcomes.

My philosophy is : Design with purpose. Make it essential, efficient and engaging.

When I'm not designing, I love music and playing guitar, I'm self-taught, playing some rock/blues, new wave and punk. I enjoy photography and am currently rediscovering this passion. Recent experiments with Cuban Salsa have kept me on my toes. I realised that these disciplines have a structure to them that compliment my knowledge of design. Mastering smaller pieces and understanding how they work together.

I'd love to know more about you and your project. I look forward to hearing from you, hit that Contact Me button below.

Want to see more projects, find me on Behance and connect with me professionally on LinkedIn.
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