Re-looking the catalog of FranceTV :
Television shows, series and documentaries.

I was hired as an art director to re-do the iconography for FTV in preparation for the launch of a new streaming platform, I made compositions, retouched photos, made titles and logos in order to create more visual punch
1000+ images. Emphasis was on creating "quality" images, searching for emotional response and a new found sensibility to their visual collection. By this time Netflix had arrived on the market and was taking business away from its competitors, on a global level. People began consuming differently and they became seduced by the quality of production that Netflix had to offer. France TV identified the threat, and that gave us a job to do.
Creating logos using appropriate typefaces that speak of the program.
Drawing and collage were part of the process.
For the series, a coherent style to create identity.
Illustrations, titles, lighting, filters and framing are all part of this production.
La Bastide Blanche is an example of composition for dramatic effect. 
My contribution to France TV was pure creativity. We were given lots of freedom, without budget, a heavy number of images to produce and a tight timeline that didn't allow for much reflection nor exploration. The gave me alot of practice with my tools and methodology for visual storytelling paired with playful and effective type solutions. I had a lot of fun. My contract was renewed several times, the client was happy and so was I. 

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